Thursday, February 20, 2014

Broad Ripple Gazette volume 11 number 4

First published in the Broad Ripple Gazette

Ireland was beautiful and green…and damp. The rain couldn't dampen my spirits, even though Ireland was experiencing record storms; since none of them involved ice or snow so it was all okay with me.  

I was lucky enough to attend a traditional Irish music session at a hostel one evening and it was lovely. Everyone sat in a sort-of circle – as much as I tried to tuck into a corner, it would not be heard of – and traded songs and stories. There were accordion players and tin whistle blowers to accompany our songs.  My Indianapolis raised, County Kerry-living friend, Linda suggested that we sing Back Home Again in Indiana. I quickly pulled up the lyrics on my iPhone and we made it through the song. It helps that she has a beautiful voice. 

I especially loved one man’s recitation of a scene from Irish playwright, John B. Keane’s, play, Sive. The break for tea and biscuits with jam was delivered by a darling young man was delightful. The session ended with all of us singing all of the Pete Seeger songs that we could collectively remember.

 I realized that I am woefully unprepared in situations like that. I’ve made a promise to myself to learn a James Whitcomb Riley poem to recite from memory.  Suggestions?

Jenn Cristy Band
Friday, February 21, 2014
921 Broad Ripple Avenue
21+, 9:30 PM, $5

Every time I see Jenn Cristy play I wonder why the world she’s not a household name and I’m convinced that we’ll see her on Jimmy Fallon soon. In the meantime, you should catch her while you can. Jenn has an amazingly soulful voice that she in grand rock and roll style. She’s talented, surrounded by a top-notch band, super-nice, and beautiful. If you’re not acquainted with her music, you need to be and now is the perfect time. Shake off those snow shoveling blues and enjoy a cozy evening at Sabbatical. The food is terrific and the drinks are lovely.

ABC Paint Party with Travis
Monday, February 24, 2014
Union Jack Pub
924 Broad Ripple Ave
6:30 – 9:30 PM, $40

I always say that my creativity far outweighs my artistic talent. Here is a chance for people like us to create a painting. Travis will take you through the steps to create your own, “Starry Night Over Indy” masterpiece. Come dressed to paint, everything else will be provided. Register for the event at:

Cultural Cannibals Brazilian Carnaval
Saturday, March 1, 2014
The Jazz Kitchen
5377 N. College Avenue
21+, 10:00 PM-3:00 AM, $12 advance, $15 at the door.

Pry off your snow boots and put on your dancing shoes for a high-energy evening of Brazilian Carnaval. The event features the IU Brazilian Ensemble - a group of 40 drummers led by renowned percussionist Michael Spiro of the Carlos Santana band, Samba dancers and DJ Kyle Long playing a mix of Brazilian Carnaval music. Talented artist, Artur Silva will have Carnaval art on display. 

There will be a special menu of Brazilian food, including Feijoada (a savory stew of black beans, beef and pork), and of course there will be Brazilian beers and Caipirinha (the national drink of Brazil) available. And if that isn’t enough, big screens will display the Carnaval parade in Rio de Janeiro and Bahia.
Advance tickets at:

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