Thursday, May 24, 2012

Broad Ripple Gazette vol 9 no 11

first published in the Broad Ripple Gazette

Joey Ramone Birthday Bash
Saturday May 26, 2012
The Night Porter
921 Broad Ripple Avenue
21+, 9:00 pm, $3, nonsmoking

People often ask me what has been my favorite concert, and it is always an easy answer: Ramones, Vogue Theater, May 24, 1983. Joey Ramone and I had just celebrated our birthdays a few days before – he was 32 and I was exactly a decade younger. I tucked right in front of the stage and swear that he was looking at me under that glorious hair and sunglasses for part of the set.

Now, just 29 years later, Joey has a posthumous record being released this week. And D.J. Jewey Ramone will be spinning cuts from the album, “….ya know,?” showing Ramones videos, and hosting live performances by special guests Ricky Rat (from Detroit’s legendary band, Trashy Brats) and Brothers Gross.

In a nod to his long-time devotion to the Ramones, the ticket price is only $3.00, the same amount D.J. Jewey paid the first time he saw the band in 1978.

Gabba gabba hey, I hope you’ll check it out! 

Dirty Dozen Brass Band
Monday, May 28, 2012
The Jazz Kitchen
5377 College Avenue
317. 253.4900
Two shows: 7:00 & 9:00 pm, $20, 21+, nonsmoking

photo credit: Michael Weintrob

The Dirty Dozen Brass Band is celebrating 35 years as a band and their latest record, Twenty Dozen. And it is fitting that the Dirty Dozen Brass Band is playing on Memorial Day. The history of the band fits right in with our national observance for honoring those who have gone before us.

In 1977 the Dirty Dozen Social and Pleasure Club in New Orleans began showcasing a traditional Crescent City brass band. It was a joining of two proud, but antiquated, traditions. Social and pleasure clubs dated back over a century to a time when black southerners could rarely afford life insurance, and the clubs would provide proper funeral arrangements. Brass bands would often follow the funeral procession playing somber dirges, and once the family of the deceased was out of earshot, they burst into jubilant dance tunes as onlookers danced in the streets. By the late '70s, few social clubs or funeral brass bands existed. The Dirty Dozen Social and Pleasure Club assembled this group as a house band, and over the course of these early gigs, the seven-member ensemble adopted the venue's name: The Dirty Dozen Brass Band. 

Thirty-five years later, The Dirty Dozen Brass Band is a world famous music machine, whose name is synonymous with genre-bending romps and high-octane performances. They have revitalized the brass band in New Orleans and around the world, progressing from local parties, clubs, baseball games and festivals in their early years to touring nearly constantly in the U.S. and in over 30 other countries on five continents. The Dirty Dozen have been featured guests on albums by artists including David Bowie, Elvis Costello, Dr. John and the Black Crowes. Do you think we can get them to play a dirge or two in honor of Decoration Day?

The Jazz Kitchen has a great menu with a New Orleans sensibility. Order some crab cakes, listen to the music and pretend you’re in the Big Easy, at least for a night.
Reservations suggested.

June 1, 2012 - all bars are now non-smoking
I’ve spend the good chunk of the almost-seven years I’ve been writing this column figuring out whether a show is non-smoking or not. And for all of you folks that tell me the reason that you don’t go to see live music is the smoke, I expect to see you soon!

Dawes with Sara Watkins
Thursday June 7, 2012
The Vogue
6259 N College Avenue
21+, $16 advance, $18 day of, doors 7:00 pm, show 8:00

photo credit: Kevin Hays

When I first saw Dawes play I was blown away by how good they were and shocked that there was barely anyone there. I’m going to quote myself here for a review I wrote  after their Locals Only show in 2009. ‘…the San Fernando Valley group Dawes played soulful pop. Brothers Taylor Goldsmith (guitar) and Griffith Goldsmith (drums) harmonizing beautifully against Wylie Gelber's bass guitar. This might be the best band you've never seen, even if they lacked a fourth member - the keyboard player - for this show. They've got it all — great songs, tight sound, good looks and boyish charm - and I predict a bright, well-deserved future for them.’

The future is now folks. They are now headlining (and selling out) large venues, and playing the big music festivals. They’re heading to Bonnaroo Music Festival right after their gig at the Vogue.

I hope to see you at the show. I’ll be the one upfront looking all smug and stuff.

And some sad news….
Locals Only Art + Music Pub will be closing on August 17. The building they’re leasing has been sold and the new landlord has a different plan for the space. I have every confidence that they’ll land in a new spot, but in the meantime make sure that you take every chance you get to check out the shows.

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